Taurus, March 2017
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Taurus, March 2017

Your ruling planet, Venus, is retrograde this month! This is an important time for getting in touch with your inner voice.

March opens with the Sun in Water sign Pisces, shining on the sector of your chart that rules your social life. But, Taurus, don't get wild with your partying. March is about recuperating and getting in touch with your inner voice. Definitely spend time with your friends and do some networking, but make time for quiet meditation, too.

You're getting clearer on your hopes and dreams for the future. (Having a goal to strive toward makes you feel so much more energized.) But you have some tension to release, and sleep to catch up on, before you can go full steam ahead.


That said, don't expect March 2 to be the day you catch up on rest. In fact, you'll be wired thanks to electric Uranus in Aries opposing Jupiter in Libra. Expect some surprises, especially at your day job or as you run errands. The energy is electric today, but also disruptive. Expect to be annoyed at your schedule today—it's likely you'll play hooky. If you've been itching for more flexibility, this will be when a change just needs to happen.

On March 4, your ruling planet, Venus, begins its retrograde in Aries, so expect to be in a private, reflective mood. Venus is the planet of all the good stuff: love, money, beauty, harmony. When Venus is retrograde, we become more focused and serious about these things—the energy intensifies.

March is about recuperating and getting in touch with your inner voice.

Unconscious, repressed desires will come to the fore. Because Venus is your ruling planet, and because it will be moving backward through the zodiac, you may not feel like your usual self—it might be uncomfortable, but realize that you're at a poignant turning point in your life.

On April 2, Venus will dip into Water sign Pisces, illuminating issues in your social life—but we'll talk more about this part of the retrograde next month. Venus will end its retrograde on April 15, and until then, lovely cow, I want you to think back to March and April of 2009—issues you were working out then may come up again. How have you changed in the last eight years?


Action planet Mars enters your sign on March 9! This will offer a welcome boost in energy and confidence. People may find you more confrontational or intimidating than usual, but I'm sure you can find a way to use this to your advantage! Mars is the warrior planet, and it's great that you'll have this source of strength to tap into as Venus retrograde pushes you to rewind and slow down.

A full moon in fellow Earth sign Virgo arrives on March 12, illuminating the creativity and romance sector of your chart, but it will be a tricky day: Mercury in Pisces and Saturn in Sagittarius will clash, stirring up drama. This will be a time to get to know someone more intimately or to dive deeper into an artistic project.

On March 4, your ruling planet, Venus, begins its retrograde in Aries, so expect to be in a private, reflective mood.

You'll certainly have some kind of crisis where you'll freak out about how important something is to you—but that's okay. It will propel you to take action, and Taurus, you don't need me to tell you that you can be slow as hell to make moves unless something pushes you.

Communication planet Mercury enters Fire sign Aries March 13, followed by the Sun on the spring equinox, March 20, activating a psychic sector of your chart, so watch for intuitive downloads. This is a wonderful time for practicing your tarot skills, meditating, and spending time alone—other people's energy could feel overwhelming. Mercury will meet Venus retrograde in Aries on March 18, and the Sun meets Venus soon after, March 25, which will find you craving some social connection. Meet with people you know well, who "get you," and who you can share a comfortable silence with—or, who you can vent your deepest secrets to.


A new moon in Aries arrives on March 27, activating the solitude and sleep sector of your chart, boosting your psychic abilities, and helping you restore yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Again, you're probably going to be in the mood to be alone. Also on this day, Mars will sextile (a helpful astrological aspect) dreamy planet Neptune, in Pisces, so expect some inspiring messages or meetings.

You'll certainly have some kind of crisis where you'll freak out about how important something is to you.

One of the most intense days this month is March 30, when Jupiter in Libra challenges Pluto in Capricorn. The desire to be perfect will be overwhelming, but it's important that you let go and allow Pluto's transformative powers to do their thing.

Of course, Pluto does have a dark side, and because Jupiter exaggerates whatever it touches, you'll have to be on the lookout for shady behavior, manipulators, and power struggles. If you're traveling or in school, Jupiter and Pluto's clash will be especially remarkable—a profound shift in your beliefs will take place.

This is an important moment for you, Taurus, to figure out where you stand and what you believe in. Taking action toward a cause you feel passionately about is a way to use this energy.

On March 31, the planet of the mind, Mercury, enters your sign, helping you express yourself and boosting your mental acuity. It's been an emotional-as-hell month, and you've done so much work on your psyche that, by the end of the month, you'll be ready to be social and active again. Mercury will definitely help you do that. See you in April!