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Two People, One Apartment: When Your Significant Other Is Annoying as Hell

Hell is other people, including (or especially) the ones you love.
Photo by Candace Snell via Stocksy

Relationships are never perfect. Even if you're partner is the sexiest, coolest person you've ever met, chances are there's at least one thing they do that drives you totally insane.

For the first couple of years my boyfriend and I were dating, for example, he wore flip flops made out of astroturf. Despite the fact that they sound too absurd to be real, they were very real, and nothing I could say would dissuade him from wearing them anytime the weather was above 70 degrees.


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Lucky for me, the astroturf that he insisted felt so great on his bare feet eventually wore down, and he has yet to buy a new pair. Unfortunately for many women, though, the aggravating things their partners do don't always rub away after extended wear. Here are some women's accounts of the things they truly hate about their partners.

How lazy he can be. Granted I am a hyperactive human, but it still drives me nuts how he can barely budge from a computer for days, not picking up socks, ordering food delivery so as not to leave the house, procrastinating on everything, and generally being a slug.

My husband is so obsessed with cleaning, he puts things away while I am using them. One time he threw out an onion while I was in the middle of chopping it.

My boyfriend won't let me see him brush his teeth. On the very first night we spent together he said, "Not until our wedding night!" and quickly shut the door behind him. It's incredibly annoying because sometimes I need things from the bathroom while he's in there! And there is no reason why we can't just brush our teeth at the same time. Perhaps most annoyingly, we are also married now. On our wedding night, he just shouted, "See!" with a mouth full of foam from across the room and shut the door again.

One of my favorite modes of conversation is repeating dubious facts that I vaguely and incompletely recollect, having read them somewhere on the Internet years ago, and my boyfriend always asks a lot of follow-up questions and says things like, "I feel like that isn't true," which is beside the point.


When my boyfriend gets too drunk, he passes out and enters this weird sleep state where he can hold a full conversation with someone, but make absolutely zero sense. I once had an entire conversation with him about someone called John John. He doesn't know anyone called John John. Neither do I. He sleep-talked me into making him an omelette once, which he sat down and ate while HIS EYES WERE STILL CLOSED. To this day, he doesn't remember eating that omelette. I've haven't made him an omelette since.

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My ex-boyfriend liked to eat his own cum. That's probably the most annoying thing he did.

*Names have been changed.