Leo, April 2018
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli


This story is over 5 years old.


Leo, April 2018

Spring is here and Mercury is retrograde.

April opens with the Sun in fellow fire sign Aries, putting you in an adventurous mood. However, your itinerary will probably be all fucked up due to Mercury retrograde. What’s a Leo to do, with so many opportunities coming your way but so much Mercury retrograde drama in the air? Your only choice is to slow down and wait. Now is the time to reflect on what you already know instead of looking for new answers. Pick up old projects instead of starting new ones.


This Mercury retrograde is asking you to deeply reconsider or revisit your beliefs and worldview. Aries is a sign that works on instinct, much like you do; unfortunately, this means you can make snap judgments that aren’t always fair. During this Mercury retrograde, you’ll find yourself reconsidering some ideas you may have bought into too quickly.

There are a few days this month where you’ll really find yourself adjusting your opinions: April 1, when the Sun meets with Mercury retrograde, bringing you an ego check; April 4, when Mercury squares off with Mars (watch out for arguments!); and April 5, when it clashes with Saturn, finding you having to make difficult adjustments in your schedule. (People will also generally be in a crappy, argumentative mood on the 5th). Mercury will square off with Saturn again on May 25—but at that point, it will have gone direct. While that probably won’t make the mood any perkier, you’ll at least have an easier time focusing on the important plans and strategies you’re trying to lay out.

Mercury retrograde ends on April 15—blessed be—and there’s a full moon in Aries on the same day. This will usher in a new cycle around learning, growing, traveling, and expanding. You talented Leos are usually trying to spread the word about something: an idea, a project, a show you’re in. Waiting until April 15 to do so is probably the best idea if you want to get the most out of your efforts! If you’re feeling witchy, the 15th is a great day for casting a spell to open doors of opportunity and understanding.


Sweet Venus enters social butterfly Gemini on April 24, bringing blessings to the friendship sector of your chart and inspiring you to connect with people. In your love life, you’ll find yourself connecting with people on an intellectual level—Gemini, an air sign, loves to talk.

April 18 is one of the most exciting days of the month for you, thanks to the Sun meeting with Uranus, the planet of freedom. This is a powerful day for breaking out of thinking patterns that no longer serve you, and some brilliant ideas will definitely manifest as well. Uranus is the planet of invention; you’re going to feel very inspired to change things. You may find yourself taking a big risk, and some sudden surprises are also in store.

You’ve been going through a period of growth over the last eight years; genius Uranus has been in Aries this whole time, bringing its intensity to the sector of your chart that rules higher education, travel, philosophy and your beliefs. The changes you’ve been undergoing have felt erratic, electric, and enlightening all at once. This cycle is nearing an end soon—next month, Uranus enter Taurus and start shaking things up in the career and popularity sector of your chart, bringing you big shifts in your public life. For now, you’re making discoveries that are building your character so you can shine like the bright star you are when the time is right.

You’re going to have plenty of spotlight to enjoy once the Sun enters earth sign Taurus on April 19). But your attention will be pulled to your home and private life on April 29, during the full moon in Scorpio. Full moons are potent times for release, and this one will be especially emotional; you’ll be processing issues concerning your childhood, your family, and other private, long running issues.

On a more mundane level, this full moon will push you to create a better work/life balance. If an issue has been brewing between you and a landlord, roommate, or family member, it will likely reach a climax when this full moon in Scorpio arrives! Fortunately, the Sun will connect with Saturn on the same day, helping to create a grounding energy.

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in May!