Virgo, July 2016


This story is over 5 years old.


Virgo, July 2016

July is busy, so get organized!

Even you, Virgo, need a break from the norm. As an Earth sign, you're grounded and practical, but unless you can escape every once in a while, you become bored and depressed. You need a little fantasy and weirdness in your life to feel whole.

Early this month, you get a break from the ordinary—during the new moon—in psychic Water sign Cancer on July 4 and the Mercury/Neptune trine on July 5. New moons mean new beginnings, and this month that means a fresh start in your social life.


Cancer is a protective sign—crabs do have hard shells, after all. You can be hard to get to know, Virgo. You are symbolized by the Hermit in the tarot deck, and you're super selective about who you let in. Perhaps open up a little bit during this new moon? Cancer's crab shell will protect you.

Nebulous Neptune rules escape in all its wonderful forms: meditation, music and art, alcohol, anesthesia… If you want a break from reality, you call Neptune. On July 5, your ruling planet Mercury (currently in Cancer) will trine (one of the easiest, more harmonious astrological aspects) Neptune in dreamy Pisces. It's in your nature to analyze the world and try to make sense of things. Don't bother today. Go with the flow—it's going to lead you somewhere magical and healing. You might wake up with a hangover, but I think it might be worth it.

Expect an uptick not only in your social life (thanks to the new moon), but watch out for things brewing in your relationships, romantic and non-romantic. Healing conversations and a chance to connect heart to heart will come, but whenever Neptune is around, you know you need to be careful about illusions. Not everything is as it seems—but maybe that's okay for now. Fantasy trumps reality early this month.

Though not everyone gets the memo that the dream world is in, and the real world is out. Watch for stubborn vibes on July 6 when the Sun meets Mercury, and July 7, when the Sun and Mercury oppose power planet Pluto. People want what they want and will pull any string, trigger, or tantrum to get it.


Expect an uptick in your social life (thanks to the new moon), but watch out for things brewing in your relationships.

Everyone's going to be extra psychic around now, and we'll all be using this intel to fuck each other over (or, if things are sunnier in your part of town, get in each other's pants). Watch out for having too much fun at this time; it could become dangerous. If you have a tendency toward self-destructive behavior, now is the time to reach out to someone who can help you.

Communication improves when Mercury in Cancer connects to lucky Jupiter (currently in your sign!) on July 8, and a helpful boost in energy comes on July 9, when Mercury connects with passionate, driven Mars in Scorpio—finally you'll get the answers, messages, and agreements you need to make sense of what's going on.

Watch out for interruptions, miscommunications, or inconsistencies when Mercury clashes with electric Uranus in Aries on July 10. Uranus is the mad scientist of the zodiac, so the vibe is genius; however, every mad scientist I know has a messy desk and unorganized inbox. Stay organized and be patient to make the most of this astrological transit.

Mercury connects with Uranus again later this month, July 27, but by that time, Mercury will be in Leo, and the connection between the two planets will be a trine—again, one of the easiest astrological aspects.

Expect a huge boost in your intuition then, as well as some breakthroughs around feelings you've stuffed down and issues concerning intimacy. Afraid to face those sticky topics? No worries. Uranus turns retrograde on July 27, during which time it will highlight the sector of your chart that rules sex, debts, and taxes. You'll have plenty of time to work out your issues.


Sure, full moons are nuts. But this one will be nuts in a more mature, reasonable way.

Venus, Mercury, and the Sun enter Leo this month, activating the sector of your chart that rules solitude, mysteries and hidden things, sleep and dreams, and our connection to spirit. Expect to explore a little of all that this month.

You'll feel much more private about your love life when Venus enters Leo on July 12. Your brain will be working in a more intuitive manner when Mercury enters Leo on July 13. Mercury meets Venus in Leo on July 16, so expect some interesting communication then, and again, pay close attention to your dreams.

You'll pretty much resign yourself to full-on hermit mode when the Sun enters Leo on July 22. Your birthday month is just around the corner—you need to recharge before you rage, naturally. Use these planets in Leo to sunbathe, meditate by the ocean, reconnect with your spirit, and reconnect with your bed—you need the rest.

The full moon in Capricorn arrives on July 19, during which your ruling planet Mercury will trine structure-loving Saturn in Sagittarius. Sure, full moons are nuts. But this one will be nuts in a more mature, reasonable way, thanks to Saturn's uptight influence. Anyway, full moons bring reveals and realizations, and this one will concern your love life, your social life, and your creative, artistic pursuits.

You're ready to have serious talks about all these themes: You're ready to plan, make checklists, do all that effective, organized Virgo stuff that makes you so darn Virgo. Will your plans work out? I don't know. But you have to try. It's now or never, says the full moon.

The month wraps up with your ruling planet Mercury entering your sign on July 30—awesome! You will feel so in your element: grounded, comfortable, and clear-headed. Expressing yourself will be way easier than it was when Mercury was in Leo. Mercury rules communication, so think about this, Virgo: Who would you rather speak to the world through, Leo with its massive roar, or Virgo the virgin, with its clear voice? Leo certainly has its time and place—intimidation is useful, for sure—but effective communication in clear, easy language is just so much more you. See you in August, Virgo!