Aries, July 2017


This story is over 5 years old.


Aries, July 2017

“The stars impel—they do not compel.”

Welcome to Cancer season, Aries! Nurturing, psychic, creative Cancer—what a lovely time, this first bit of summer. Unfortunately, it's marred by your planetary ruler, Mars, which will oppose Pluto on July 2.

Now, Mars is your planetary ruler, Aries, but that doesn't mean this disaster of a combination is your fault, because it's not. But it's totally your fault if you go on a screaming rampage, picking fights, scaring children, being aggressive with everyone, and smashing things. "The stars impel, they do not compel," as Ptolemy said, one of my favorite sayings.


The energy when Mars opposes Pluto is harsh—Mars rules war, and Pluto is the planet of death (and rebirth). People are feeling volatile, and the shit hits the fan (another of my favorite old sayings) as realizations are made and people find that they can't take it anymore! Again, please don't pick a fight today.

Another day I don't want you to pick a fight on, little ram, is July 10, when the Sun also opposes Pluto. Massive egos, control freaks, and manipulators are on the scene—you know, exactly the kind of people you like to expose and defend your friends and family against. But instead of taking matters into your own hands, I want you to remember: The best way to work with Pluto is by bringing in a third party who can mediate.

Sweet and lovely Venus enters Gemini on July 4, bringing blessings to your social life. (That's right: This whole month won't be total crap!) Explore the bars and cafés in your neighborhood and meet new friends.

Gemini is a chatty, curious energy, and you'll feel like a social butterfly as charming Venus floats through this Air sign. More good vibes continue flowing when messenger planet Mercury enters fellow Fire sign Leo, on July 5, bringing news about a crush! Invitations to parties will come your way, and the mood is generally easygoing and fun.

Full moons often bring a culmination, and are powerful harbingers of endings or emotional release. Finding a happy balance between your private and public life is a perfect way to work with this full moon's potent energy.


Mars clashes with Uranus, which is in your sign, on July 17. The energy is nervous and irritable; you're itching for freedom, and being tied down or bored will stress you out. You're a thrill-seeker, Aries, but it's important to watch for accidents. Pace yourself. This is not a day to leave your candles burning unattended or pick a fight with a roommate.

Mars enters Leo July 20, followed by the Sun on July 22. The Sun and Mars will meet in Leo on July 26. Leo season is a fantastic time for you, Aries! Leo, like you, is a fire sign: passionate, fun, and generous.

Expect to make beautiful memories with your friends and loved ones. You're in a flirtatious mood, and a new crush is likely to appear. You're feeling creatively inspired, but you're also feeling content to lay by the pool, drink a cute drink with a tiny umbrella in it, and appreciate life.

The new moon in Leo arrives July 23. This will bring a fresh start to your love life as well as to any creative endeavors. If you're in the mood to work some magic, casting a spell for more romance, artistic inspiration, or even fertility is a wonderful way to work the energy.

Communication planet Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, helping you get organized and complete all the tasks you've had piling up. It's easy for you to get focused, Aries; it's staying focused that's the problem—and Mercury in analytical Virgo will certainly help you maintain your concentration.

Love-and-money planet Venus enters Cancer on July 31, bringing blessings to your home and family life. Redecorate your space or have people over to enjoy your home with you.

Emotionally, this is a time to reflect on boundaries and what you need to feel safe and secure. You might have scary ram horns that are good for head butting others, but the crab, Cancer, has a tough shell. Think about how having a tougher shell can help you.

You're super trusting with people—and while I'm not suggesting you hide away and stop sharing so much of yourself, I want you to reflect on your boundaries and think about how being trusting, in the past, may have bit you in the butt. Venus in Cancer is a soft, gentle energy, but can show us what makes us vulnerable. Don't let this fluster you!

Venus in Cancer is a cozy time. Expect to take a walk down memory lane and to cry over a few photo albums. Connect with your roots, and celebrate your past. See you in August, Aries!