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Daily Horoscope: December 20, 2015

Daily horoscopes and astrology for Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli

The Moon in Fire sign Aries opposes warrior Mars at 5:50 AM, giving the early morning a tense but energetic vibe. Things will cool off when the Moon trines the Sun in optimistic, philosophical Sagittarius at 1:05 PM, so enjoy the chill energy while it lasts. This evening is electric and erratic with chatty Mercury squaring the planet of instability and surprise, Uranus, at 10:07 PM— some unexpected and challenging news is on its way, but if you can be flexible and open to change, things could work out well! All times EST.



The vibe today is really, really good. You'll feel emotionally supported and things will flow easily. But don't assume things will always go your way. Be thoughtful about the demands you make this evening and be flexible: Your reputation depends on it.


One of your pet peeves is when people casually look through your purse. Hopefully that hasn't happened to you since early high school, which is when people are maximum nosy and rude, but tonight's vibe brings a similar sort of frustration.


Today is A+ for connecting with partners, romantic or otherwise, but tonight could bring some tension to your social life. Heavy things have been on your mind, so don't force yourself to have fun.


Today's chill but tonight's stressful, with a possible popularity contest coming your way. It's not a fight worth winning, Cancer, and the easiest way to look lame is to try to prove you're cool.


The best word to use for you today, Leo, is lucky— things are clicking into place in a major way, even though your plans will completely fall apart this evening. Don't freak out; instead embrace spontaneity.


Some happy news around your home or family comes today, and it's a perfect afternoon to spend with your loved ones. Crack open some photo albums, as nostalgia's deep today. Tonight's ultra passionate and creative, but expect a little turbulence.


It's a lovely day for communication with your lover, Libra, but things get intense this evening when some surprising news pops up over issues concerning your home. Hear all sides and do your best to manage miscommunication.


Today is super smooth, especially at work or around issues concerning your schedule or cash, but nothing lasts forever. You're the sign of death and rebirth, so you know that already. Communication issues around scheduling are fucked tonight.


An unexpected conflict comes up tonight around feeling wanted and secure. Issues around money are also likely to pop up. Don't buy any gag or ironic holiday gifts today—the recipient will be offended.


You might want to stay out late and avoid home or family tonight… or, maybe that's the worst suggestion ever. Stress around domestic issues will be major this evening. It's up to you to decide whether or not it's appropriate to confront the situation.


Don't let misunderstandings get blown out of proportion today, and be forgiving toward communication blunders— not everyone is as great at communication as you. Don't believe everything you hear: Gossip comes your way tonight.


Good vibes around work and money abound today. It's a great afternoon to have lunch with people working toward similar goals. Tonight's socially stressful, and financial issues could come up in a friendship.

What's in the stars for you in December? Read your monthly horoscope here.