
  • Tao Lin Talks to Tyrant Re: “Taipei”

    This interview was conducted in the wee hours of the morning on the bed of Tao Lin, in his apartment on the east side of Manhattan, with a small party going on in the other corner of the room. This is the first, definitive interview with the author...

  • Make Politics Stop, Please

    If you’re lucky enough not to be paying attention to American electoral politics, a good visual metaphor for it is that of two diarrheal, toothless pigs trying to eat each other in a pen that’s rapidly filling up with their sour-smelling feces.

  • 120 Days of Sodom

    Aren't reading and writing essentially acts of dominance and submission? The train of thought imposed by the author must be, by default, followed by her audience. By processing the words in this sentence, you are submitting to me. You little bitch.