Cancer, November 2015
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Cancer, November 2015

For you, November is huge around clarity and communication— and it looks to be a fun and productive month!

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. If you are not a Cancer and/or don't care about Cancers, you can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

On November 2, communication planet Mercury enters fellow Water sign Scorpio— this is such a great transit for you, Cancer! Scorpio is a sexy and mystical sign, and when Mercury's in Scorpio, you not only enjoy a boost in your (already phenomenal) psychic abilities, but you also get plenty of opportunities to deeply think and sincerely talk about your desires, feelings, and goals. Also, Scorpio rules the genitals, so this will be fab for your love life: Mercury in Scorpio loves dirty talk, innuendos, and all things taboo or mysterious. Send a suggestive note anonymously to use this energy in a flirty way.


Getting intellectual and clear on your feelings is a huge theme for you all month. Also on November 2, Venus and Mars—both in down-to-earth Virgo—meet each other in the sky. Venus and Mars are both very seductive, passionate energies, so when they meet, we can expect some feeling of unity or satisfaction around romance, our creative projects, and our desires. Obviously, this combo can manifest in a romantic, sexual way, but that's not the only way this union of Venus and Mars can play out: Your social life may also feel a boost. Plus, Virgo is a very analytical and brainy sign— Venus and Mars meeting in what's essentially the nerd of the zodiac will inspired you to think critically about your relationships in all areas of your life, not just romantic ones.

Read more: Your Broadly Horoscopes, November 2015

An opportunity to partner with someone super influential may come your way on November 5, when the Sun in Scorpio sextiles power planet Pluto. Again, this could play out in your love life, but really any kind of relationship could be affected by this astrological transit. Communication continues to be strong and easy on November 6 when communicator Mercury trines poetic Neptune in dreamy Pisces— this is a fantastic day to communicate your feelings, Cancer! Let's be real, you're not known for being the best communicator in the zodiac. You tend to clam up, forgetting that not everyone in the world is as psychic as you are— people can't read your mind as well as you can read theirs! But with this month's positive vibes around communication and with logical Mercury with soft and dreamy Neptune meeting on the sixth, resulting in a psychic and artistic energy, I do think you will feel very supported around expressing yourself, feeling heard, and feeling like it's easy to ask for what you want.


Lovely Venus enters logical and partner-oriented Air sign Libra on November 8. Over the last few weeks, you've been working on some intimate issues, many of which have involved your family, your home (and perhaps roommates), and, in general, your "safe space." The love and prosperity planet's entry into cool and balanced Libra will create peaceful vibes around your home and family life, and it will add a touch of luxury to your safe spaces.

Good vibes continue to come your way on November 10 when Mercury sextiles Pluto and the Sun sextiles Jupiter— yay! We love sextiles, as they're super helpful and inspiring energies. Make a point to connect with others on November 10, especially if you need assistance with something or if you're hoping to have an honest and uplifting conversation. When Mercury and Pluto come together in a positive way, our minds are extra sharp; for you, Cancer, this will be especially true in your romantic or creative partnerships. The Sun and lucky planet Jupiter connecting will add an extra dash of confidence and abundance to your day, too.

The November 11 New Moon in Scorpio will be one of the highlights of the month for you, Cancer. New Moons are times for new beginnings and for inner reflection, and there's nothing quite as beautiful as a New Moon in Scorpio, the sign of transformation, rebirth, depth and emotional intelligence. There's a brand new you right around the corner, Cancer! Especially involving your creative pursuits— an awesome new project may be on its way very soon. This New Moon is also really great for a fresh start in your romantic life. If there's a type that you've vowed never to date again, this New Moon is a lovely time to recommit to your standards.


The next day brings you a big boost of strength when fiery Mars enters Libra on November 12. Cancer, part of the reason the crab represents you in the zodiac is because you're the sign of protection and security—the crab's hard shell is a metaphor for your ability to create an impenetrable aura around yourself and your loved ones. Remember those home and family issues getting some love from Venus in Libra earlier in the month? Mars in Libra will add a dash of fierceness around these issues as well, aiding Venus in creating a harmonious vibe in your home life. You might start feeling a little sensitive around this time— you'll be hyper aware of threats around you with Mars in Libra, so take extra time for self care.

On November 18, the planet of dreams and illusions, Neptune, stations direct (that's right, it's not just Mercury that goes retrograde!). With the planet of dreams moving forward, it's time for you to push some of your own fantasies forward as well, especially those that involve travel or higher education. You're so ready to see and do new things, Cancer— you might feel a little tied down to home, due to the all the domestic issues we've been discussing, but that's OK. The seeds you've planted will soon bloom! Neptune is a slow-moving planet, so we can't expect manifestation to happen overnight, but that's all right. One of your best qualities, Cancer, is how patient you are!


Really, the only day this month that I'm worried you'll be extra crabby is November 20— but, again, if you can be patient, you'll survive. Mercury enters Sagittarius, which will be great around you getting organized; however, it may bring some awkward or confusing vibes to your chores, your work, and everyday life. Take it slow and be thoughtful and you'll be all good! Venus in Libra squares the lord of the underworld, Pluto, in Earth signs Capricorn on November 20 as well— watch out for manipulative behavior in your relationships and for some power struggles. Pluto can be a very sexy energy, though. If any sign can channel this cosmic combination in a tantalizing way, it's probably you, Cancer.

The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, bringing your focus from fun, creativity, and romance (thank you, Scorpio vibes!) to work, your routines, and rituals. Energetic and fiery Sag season is a great time for you to get healthy and drop some bad habits. It's also a great time for you to reconsider your schedule and work/life balance— is it working for you?

November 25's Full Moon in Gemini is another highlight of the month for you, Cancer. The Sun in Sag is asking you to question whether or not you're getting what you need from your everyday schedule. Sagittarius is a super energetic and active sign, and it's basically begging you to make time for everything you enjoy doing— it's not enough for you to work or go to school until you have to go to bed. Do you have time for relaxing meals with friends and family? For reading? Going to a gym? Balance is so needed in your life, Cancer, and this Full Moon in smart Air sign Gemini will illuminate for you how much you're undoing yourself by not scheduling your life appropriately. Time is a major luxury in today's society, but you have to find balance, Cancer, or else it may cost you your health, sanity, and/or happiness. This Full Moon is going to make you sleepy as fuck, Cancer, I swear. Do take a day or two off if you can afford to. Fluff up your pillows, and relax as much as possible!

One of the biggest astrological transits of the month occur on November 26 when the planet of reality and boundaries, Saturn, squares dreamy Neptune. The fantasies and illusions we've been buying into will get a huge wake up call— it's time to get real. What have you been running away from, Cancer? What forms of "escape" do you employ when you need to get out of your head? You have to accept the reality of your situation and stop with the escapism if you want to ride this transit well. Explaining things away is a huge no-no at this time— whoever you give excuses to will call you on your bullshit.

The challenge between Neptune and Saturn may feel challenging, but if you surrender to the energy, you may feel really energized to accomplish your tasks. Transition is a theme for you right now, so if you can be grounded, practical and honest about achieving your dreams, things will work out very well for you. November is huge around clarity and communication— and it looks to be a fun and productive month!