november 2015

  • Aries, November 2015

    Communication is huge for you this month, Aries! A lot will become clear to you—expect some major shakeups.

  • Leo, November 2015

    Major changes are on the way in November, Leo. Yay for a less fake life! Yay for real friends, real lovers, real support, and real worthwhile projects!

  • Cancer, November 2015

    For you, November is huge around clarity and communication— and it looks to be a fun and productive month!

  • Taurus, November 2015

    You’re certainly going to see and think about things on a much deeper level once the month is over— fortunately, you’re going to have plenty of hugs and kisses to get you through it all!

  • Capricorn, November 2015

    This coming month is extremely busy—November is so full with you doing and seeing new things, socializing and connecting with friends like crazy, and sleeping in.

  • Aquarius, November 2015

    November will provide plenty of opportunities for you to work and party hard, and you'll have the opportunity to make huge and welcome changes in your career or reputation.

  • Gemini, November 2015

    The first part of the month sees you healing issues around your home, allowing you to create a safe space for yourself as you go into the second half of the month, which finds you doing a whole lot of partnering.

  • Libra, November 2015

    You have a lot of work to do this month, Libra. But with Venus and Mars in your sign, you're certainly going to look hot and intimidating while you do it!

  • Virgo, November 2015

    This month is all about finding clarity in your communications. If you approach things practically and sensibly, everything should work out great!