Libra, November 2015
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Libra, November 2015

You have a lot of work to do this month, Libra. But with Venus and Mars in your sign, you're certainly going to look hot and intimidating while you do it!

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. If you are not a Libra and/or don't care about Libras, you can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

The month opens with communicator Mercury entering Scorpio, the sign that's the best at negotiating, on November 2. Discussing what you want is what November is all about, Libra! But do you actually know what you want? As much as November wants for you to share you dreams with the world and to speak your truth, you also have a lot of examining to do around hazy, unclear desires, thoughts, and feelings.


One the biggest days of the month for you is November 2, when your ruling planet Venus meets warrior Mars in grounded and introspective Earth sign Virgo. This is a wonderful start to your month-long journey around sorting out your dreams. Virgo is a super organized energy, and when seductive Venus and passionate Mars meet each other in the sky, there's a deep sense of confidence in the air—you won't feel overwhelmed by exploring your hidden and hazy desires, Libra. I think you'll be totally ready to get down to work!

Read more: Your Broadly Horoscopes, November 2015

Obviously, Venus and Mars are both affectionate energies; however, this combination will be less about love for you, and much more about you finding wholeness about your unspoken or unexamined desires. Of course, this will have a domino effect in your life, and it will likely benefit your love life in amazing ways, but to start: This energy is about you, not about the "we" narratives going on in your life. A smart way to work with Virgo energy is by grounding and centering yourself (i.e., being present and in your body). Be sure to rest, meditate, and retreat as much as you feel you need to. Later this month, you're going to do a lot of active thinking, talking, and relating, so take the time now to go within.

November 8 brings more action and attention to you—Venus enters your sign! Venus rules your sign, Libra, which means it feels extra comfortable here, kind of like it's "at home." You'll feel a little more attractive than you typically do, and you'll likely be even more flirtatious as well. Venus in Libra is a luxurious, graceful, beautiful energy— there's literally nothing not to love about it! But Mars also enters your sign on November 12. Mars doesn't like being in Libra very much. Mars wants to fight, whereas Libra wants to love, and these two conflicting energies can be frustrating to work with together.


Regardless, this combination will likely be one that's very energizing for you, even if it's irritating at times. You might also be surprised to find that people will find you much more intimidating, active, or brave! The last time Mars was in Libra was quite a while ago and it was retrograde then, making it even more difficult (or annoying) to work with—think back to December 2013 through July 2014.Have you completed some goal or conquered some dream since that time? Was there something really getting on your nerves back then that you've now learned a lesson around or healed? Reflect on the last year and a half, and on whether you're fighting for what you want in a way that works for you.

November 11 brings the New Moon in Scorpio, which will plant "new seeds" around finances— As Kendall Jenner once wisely pointed out on KUWTK, yes, money does grow on trees, "it's paper." Scorpio is a super savvy sign when it comes to finances. In addition to being the sign of sex, transformation, and emotional depth, Scorpio is also the sign of shared resources— financial or otherwise, including debts and taxes. If you're looking for a rebirth around material matters, this New Moon is your ticket. All other intimate, touchy, self-worth related issues will also get some blessings from this lunation, too: Anything in your life that makes you feel like you have (or lack) worth, be it emotional or financial, will get a thorough cleanse from the transformative Scorpio vibes.


Your ruling planet Venus will sextile Saturn on November 13, which will make it really easy for your to communicate your needs. Remember: The planet of communication, Mercury, is in Scorpio, a sign that haggles the fuck out of everyone, and it's inspiring you to be really vocal and smart about getting your needs met. With charming, sweet Venus sending good vibes to the planet of wisdom and time (Saturn), you'll be provided with an amazing sense of security and a wonderful opportunity to express your desires in a clear, mature, and concise way—who will be able to say no to you? Also on November 13, Mercury will sextile lucky Jupiter, which will add an extra dash of conviction and a feeling of stability to your day.

On November 18, dreamy planet Neptune ends its retrograde and stations direct— there are ways you've been avoiding "real life," Libra, but now that the planet of fog and haze is moving forward, you might get a better grasp on how you could become better organized.

I have a feeling, Libra, that the reason you've been avoiding some of your more mundane tasks is because they remind you that you're not exactly where you want to be yet, in terms of having an ideal daily routine. Now's the time to face what you've been avoiding— it might be just the thing you need to do in order to move forward!

On November 20, chatty Mercury enters Sagittarius, the sign of the philosopher, which should be fun and inspiring. Interesting news is likely to come your way, and you likely will have lots of news you want to share as well. But November 20 will also be a little tricky: Your ruling planet, Venus, will square power hungry Pluto. This is really the worst day to bait your lover into feeling jealous or to spend time with anyone who you think might be manipulative. When the lord of the underworld, Pluto, is having stressed-out vibes with lovely Venus, things gets sticky (and shady). This aspect can be used productively, however—wear leather and roleplay the drama in bed or in your art, instead of actually living it.


On November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius, bringing more focus to your communications with the world, and the next day, November 23, brings lots of excitement! Venus opposes the planet of rebellion, innovation, and genius: Uranus! When Venus and Uranus meet, we can expect the unexpected; for you, Libra, this will manifest in your relationships (romantic, platonic, whatever you've got going on)! It's important to be open-minded during this transit and to find balance or some kind of middle ground. If you do, you'll likely have tons of fun and have some experiences you've never dreamed possible. But if you're rigid, you might find that your partners will get a little erratic or wacky—not to mention unpredictable. As cheesy as it sounds, expect the unexpected today. Turn off your phone if you're not in the mood to compromise and bring lots of condoms, an umbrella, extra batteries, and some quartz crystals if you're up for an adventure.

The Full Moon in Gemini on November 25 will find you thinking a lot about little details versus the big picture—where should your focus be? Issues around travel or school could also come up at this time for you to examine. Lately, you might have been feeling like you're spending a lot of time in the same place with the same people. You're ready to expand your mind and have some new experiences— break free and do something new during this Full Moon in fellow intellectual and curious Air sign Gemini.


One of the biggest astrological happenings this month occurs on November 26 when the planet of reality and cold, hard facts—Saturn—challenges whimsical, limitless Neptune. It's time to get real, and it's not going to be easy to do so. You haven't seen the truth about some things in your life, and it's time for you to get a fuller, clearer picture. You also have some fantasies you want to see become realities, and now's the time for you to get practical and mature about how you're going to tackle them. It's hard to know which direction to go in, Libra. How do you know what's right for you?

The best exercise I can suggest you is to write out your schedule: When do you wake up? What do you do before work or school? And after? And before bed? Next, write out what your dream schedule would be— does it look anything close to what you have going now? How can you get closer to your dream life? This might sound like a silly project, but I promise you, Libra, it will be worthwhile. I wouldn't waste your time.

Right now Neptune, the planet of dreams, is in Pisces, a sign that quite frankly is not great at keeping a schedule— but all this is going down in a sector of the zodiac that rules your daily routines and rituals! Super frustrating! For this reason, it's really important that you mediate on your schedule— it's your key to happiness!

Taking care of your health and developing better habits is also a big theme of this Saturn/Neptune challenge taking place in the sky at the end of the month. You might have some habits (or addictions) that are no longer benefiting you, even though you really want to believe they are. It might be time to toss out those skin creams that really around doing anything for you or to quit smoking, even if you believe it's the only thing keeping you sane.

You have a lot of work to do this month, Libra, to cut through the Neptunian mists that are swirling around you, but with Venus and Mars in your sign, you're certainly going to look hot and intimidating while you do it. The universe is supporting you in expressing you dreams and wishes. Go for it!