Capricorn, November 2015
Illustration by Shawna X


This story is over 5 years old.


Capricorn, November 2015

This coming month is extremely busy—November is so full with you doing and seeing new things, socializing and connecting with friends like crazy, and sleeping in.

In our monthly horoscopes, we provide a more in depth look at what's happening in the sky. If you are not a Capricorn and/or don't care about Capricorns, you can read the rest of our monthly horoscopes here.

Mercury enters Scorpio on November 2, which will be awesome for your social life. Mercury is the planet of communication, and when it's in psychic Scorpio, the detective of the zodiac, you can bet some juicy, interesting news is on the way. Deep, insightful conversations with new acquaintances and old, trusty friends are a big theme for you this month, which is really, truly awesome: Over the last two or so years, you've felt like there's been a lot of obstacles around community and friendship in your life, Capricorn. Who your "crew" is has drastically changed since late 2012. Things have been loosening up a lot lately, and logical Mercury in sensitive Water sign Scorpio will liven things up for you, both intellectually and socially.


Also on November 2, lovely sexy Venus meets lusty Mars, the conqueror, both in fellow Earth sign Virgo, the virgin— ooh la la, will there be a deflowering? Yes, probably, but who knows in which way it will occur? This celestial combination will find you going to new places, seeing new things, and expanding your horizons in fantastic ways. Of course, when seductive Venus and passionate Mars come together, we can expect some romance and cuddles; however, there will be a lot more in store for you, Capricorn. If you're planning on traveling early in November, the experience will be one for the ages. If you're currently in school, this cosmic coupling will send loads of blessings your way. Virgo is an analytical, organized and studious energy— all scholarly pursuits will benefit from Venus and Mars getting together in this practical Earth sign. Philosophical breakthroughs are also likely, as well as good luck around publishing or writing.

Read more: Your Broadly Horoscopes, November 2015

On November 8, Venus enters Libra. I have no idea whether this will make you totally lazy or whether it will make you feel super beautiful and confident— maybe it will be a little of both! Both Venus and Libra are luxurious, lovely energies, but when Venus (the planet of all things good: love, prosperity, harmony, beauty) enters the sign it rules, charming and gracious Libra, things can get a little out of control. Frills get extra frilly, lace becomes extra lacy, lashes lengthen, hearts flutter. On a bad day, Venus in Libra can be a little snobby, but it's not Venus in Libra's fault it's so pretty. All this gorgeousness is going to manifest for you in a public way— either at your job, on social media, or around your reputation. You're not going to want to stay home much this month, Capricorn. Mars, the warrior, also enters Libra on November 12, which will give you extra drive around success and your goals.


The November 11 New Moon in Scorpio creates a fresh, reenergized vibe around your social life—which, as we discussed, is ready for some new life. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, and that's exactly what's going on in your friendships and around you connections!

November 13 will be a helpful, productive day. Lovely Venus will sextile Saturn, your ruling planet, which will be fab for partnering with people who can support you as you manage your responsibilities. Communicator Mercury will sextile lucky planet Jupiter also on November 13, creating a generous and thoughtful vibe; news of an exciting adventure may also come your way. This is perfect day for planning, partnering, and setting up foundations for happiness and success.

On November 18, poetic and whimsical Neptune ends its retrograde and stations direct, pushing the energy forward around making our dreams come true. If you've been yearning to develop your intuition, this is a fantastic time to do so, being that Neptune is currently in psychic Water sign, Pisces. You're a super grounded and practical kind of person, Capricorn, but Neptune's hazy vibe inspires us all to get lost and let go. Details and worries that may have been weighing you down will start disintegrating today.

Speaking of details, the fine print gets totally looked over on November 20 when logical, information loving Mercury enters Sagittarius, a sign that really only cares about the big picture. Capricorn, you sometimes have a reputation for being a perfectionist or too detail oriented, but with the transits you've got going on this month, it seems you'll be feeling super chill about everything. Some sticky issues may come up around your career on the 20th, but I really think you'll be too zen to really give a fuck (or too preoccupied with drinks and socializing to notice): Sweet Venus squares dominating Pluto. This is a challenging aspect that can bring up love triangles, manipulations, or jealous behavior— but, Cap, if you're aware of the energy ahead of time, I'm sure you'll be able to work this celestial coupling in one of the ways it could be good for, like asserting your dominance in a sexual or otherwise tense situation and committing to transparency and gentleness. But, that said, if you want to make someone insanely jealous (and possible tangle yourself up in some major drama), November 20 is your day!


The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, the sign right before you, Capricorn! As the Sun makes its way toward you and your birthday, late November (and early December) are all about rest and reflection. There are a lot of transitions going on at this time, and honestly, you don't need to be awake for it. Just like lots of rest helps your body repair itself after an illness or turning your computer off for a little bit and then turning it back on again helps when it's not working (wait, this is a real cure for tech problems, right?), the Sun transiting the sign right behind you on the zodiac wheel is the time for you to recharge.

Late November brings the most action, Capricorn, due to your ruling planet, Saturn, engaging with plenty of planets. Fiery Mars in cooperative Libra will sextile Saturn, and Mercury will also meet Saturn (both planets are in Sagittarius, the philosopher of the zodiac), creating a safe and productive space for you to connect with people who can lend a hand or provide sage, valuable advice. Saturn is all about foundation and security, and the end of the month provides opportunity for you to create plenty of that for yourself.

If you begin feeling a little tipsy with all the free-spirited, explorer (and sometimes disorganized) Sagittarius vibes, November 25's Full Moon in Gemini will snap you right out of that and bring you back into reality, reminding you of your chores and all the other boring details of life that you might have forgotten about. November is so full with you doing and seeing new things, socializing and connecting with friends like crazy, and sleeping in (which really is your job this month, Cap—recharge!!!). You likely have forgotten to do your laundry or pluck your stray hairs while your mind has been more focused on less mundane things.

The biggest day for you this month, Capricorn, will likely be on or around November 26 when your ruling planet, Saturn, ruler of boundaries and reality, squares the planet of art, fantasy and bullshit, Neptune. Illusions will fade, lies will be revealed, and idealizations will come crashing down— it's time to face what's really going on, take action, and get serious about your dreams. If you're aching for your soul mate, stop talking to that asshole and fooling yourself into believing they could be the one. If you're totally and completely broke, stop buying crystals and cheesecakes, or doing whatever it is that you do with your money. No more! Also, your perception of reality, what's true, and what you believe will feel challenged as well.

Comfort yourself during this time of change, Capricorn— things are changing. The seasons are changing, fall to winter, your social life is changing, as is your reputation and your perceptions— and you need to be recharging. Spoil yourself this month and take it easy!